Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Unpacked and Ready for Adventure!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend! I spent it moving and unpacking in my new hometown. I hadn't had an opportunity to really scope out the neighborhood too much until Sunday. There is an older historic part of town with several independent fashion boutiques, salons and cafe/bistros, as well as the new shopping district which has everything and anything you can think of (ex: TJ Maxx, Kohl's, Fashion Bug, Sally Beauty Supply, Walgreens, Michael's Crafts, Hobby Lobby etc etc etc). Within 10 miles there is a zoo, an art museum, a baseball stadium, a historic fort, several parks, a river for fishing or boating... I really like it here so far! Now to find a part-time job and get enrolled in cosmetology school :)

As far as my continuing quest to drop the old tomboy facade, I have been trolling Nyx Cosmetics and am fairly sure I will be ordering their "Nyx Makeup Set Soho Glam Collection #S116" boxed kit. I've heard good things about the products and the prices are very reasonable. There are several different all-inclusive kits to choose from, as well as travel sized eye/lip mini-sets. I will definitely be writing a review on it once it arrives.

I am also on the look-out for a set of brushes. I saw this Face Secrets set at Sally, and the girl working there said she'd heard positive feedback from customers. I figure I will give them a shot. If you happen to have a different suggestion, please comment below!

I am going to pour some iced tea and go sit out on the balcony- it's finally quit raining and is a beautiful, sunny day. Don't forget the sunscreen!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In-Style "Inspired By" Fragrances REVIEW

Up until yesterday, I hadn't owned any fragrances other than the $5 Vanilla mist since college! Over the weekend I'd gone to Kohl's and decided to take a look. I happened upon the Ed Hardy scent and liked it, but didn't have the extra cash to pick it up at the time.

Well, yesterday I needed to pick-up a few small items at Walgreens, and I happened upon the "In Style" line at the end of the skin care aisle. Of course I immediately scoured the shelves for the Ed Hardy immitation and happily, I found one. I was pretty skeptical, but tested it out and find it to be extremely close to the scent I remember from the other day. At only $7.99 compared to $49.99 for the Ed Hardy branded bottle of the same size, I declared it worth the value and purchased!

The scent is long lasting, I can easily smell it 12 hours later.

I would definitely recommend this product. There are several other immitations provided by In Style as well. It's definitely worth a test next time you're shopping for toiletries.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Affordability is Paramount

In these rough economic times, I know it's as important to myself as it is to readers that the products we use be as affordable as they are effective, and the best quality at the lowest price. I've noticed over the past few years that online shopping, and the resulting competitiveness, has actually benefitted the general consumer in my opinion. It's easier than ever to get brands that were once difficult to find, and the availability of products from the international market has made it possible to get items at great prices, thanks to currency exchange rates.

I won't hide it- I'm a very frugal shopper, that is I have the tendency to buy the sale brand, and I love a good bargain. I promise you now, you will never see me using, let alone reviewing, $70 face creams or toting around $250 purses. There are $15 creams out there just as effects as the $70 creams, and $50 handbags that are even more durable than those $250 purses! Also, let's face it, not all of us have the disposable income to make such purchases to begin with...

I hope that my miserly, penny-pinching ways can help my readers keep a little more change in their pocketbooks when it comes to a good deal on beauty products, clothing and accessories. If you come across a bargain, please let me know about it so that I can pass it onto the rest of the readers! Thanks!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

About Product Reviews

I would like to say that I am not affiliated with, sponsored by, an employee of or compensated in any way by any of the companies/websites that I will be discussing/reviewing in this blog. I purchased and personally used all products that will be reviewed, and you will get the brutally honest, ugly truth from me both for good and for bad! In some cases, I may get a friend or two in on the act as well, and offer multiple opinions. I am hoping to do at least one review per week.

If you have any suggestions for products I should try and/or review, please feel free to leave comments. In fact, I'd really appreciate the help! Thank you!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What Is The Purpose Of This Blog???

That's an excellent question! Firstly, it's for my own benefit- to keep myself focused and to keep track of my progress. Secondly, it's to share and inspire others who want to make a change!

I plan to include reviews of beauty and fashion websites and products, as well as my own personal insights and thoughts that maybe other people will find helpful. I hope you enjoy my musings and find the products I share with you in the future useful!

How This Transformation Started...

I decided to start this blog to document my journey from life-long tomboy to "diva". I've always been the friend seen wearing rock band t-shirts and jeans. The only time I've been seen in a skirt or dress for the last 10 years are funerals or weddings. Thanks to a series of events and TV shows, I've decided it's time to shed that old, non- condusive image and become the "pretty girl" I didn't think I could ever be!

It all started with watching "What Not To Wear" and coming to the painful realization that they'd have a field day with my old school band t-shirts, baggy jeans and plethora of sneakers. I saw many of the women griping about their weight and body types, and realized "Wow, I shouldn't really be complaining here... I am naturally small boned and at a normal weight for my height..." I saw other tomboyish women looking great with the right clothing choices, which planted the seed...

Next I happened upon "RuPaul's Drag Race". You may wonder- "How would a bunch of drag queens inspire you?". Exactly- they're not natural women and are beautiful! I saw all the effort these entertainers put into their image- cosmetics, proper wardrobe to camoflouge flaws, wigs/extensions. I also realized, the characters these queens have developed for themselves have come from their own vision of what femininity is, so why can't I recreate myself in such a fashion, too?

Final straw- I have some friends I've met online from Asia. I'm considered exceptionally short by American standards and a tad on the thin side for my height, and these friends recommended ordering from companies based in, and making clothing for, the Asian market. I took a look at some of the online catalogs and was amazed to see models built very similarly to myself looking very feminine and cute, without looking silly or like I'm making too much of an effort.

On top of all this, I will be moving away from the area I've lived in all of my life in the near future. What better time to reinvent yourself than in a brand new hometown around brand new potential friends and colleagues? And so, the journey begins...